
Sun Rays

I remember a day in college where the sun was bright, warm and just beautiful.  I remember watching my friends and colleges sitting, laughing and talking and just thinking to myself, how blessed I was at that moment to be able to see and experience the life I was living and how, at times, I tend to take advantage of those blessings. 

My mother made it a point to send me something every once in awhile to encourage me to live life for God and to remember that I was special and had a purpose.  She constantly, even after leaving home, reminded me that I was meant for great things and that I just had to believe this myself.

There was a moment at the end of my college years that I wrote a song for my mother and my sister.  Their encouragement and appreciation for my voice was one part of my motivation to sing.  So I wrote a song to express some of the things that I saw and understood at that time about God.  It was a simple song to me then but reading back on it now I can see a deeper understanding.

I will later share the tune that was created by Angela Ashley and I, but I wanted to share the lyrics. It is a simple song and a simple statement, but when I sit and just think about it, it means much more than that to me now.

As I watch the sun rise above the trees
I see a ray that God has bestowed on me
They’re the rays of a new beginning a fresh day a new start,
And more of His path to cover.
So if I take the time to share and show I care
I’ll shine just as bright as the sunrays
And if I take the time to give and know He lives
I’ll shine just as bright as the sunrays.
The path to Gods house is where I’m going
He leads me there with a new quest each morning
As long as I keep my heart open my mind free
I can always hear what he’s telling me
So if I take the time to share and show I care
I’ll shine just as bright as the sunrays
And If I take the time to give and know He lives
I’ll shine just as bright as the sunray
As I watch the sun rise above the trees
 I feel the rays that God has bestowed on me.
By Tanisha Garfield


Just say Yes…

By epSos.de
We live our lives on a daily basis giving trust to objects created by man without a second thought.  However when it comes to completely trusting and following someone we can’t see or touch some think it’s crazy.  We consistently drive our cars with complete trust the brakes will always work; we put trust in public transportation, and trust in the legal system.  The one thing many have issues with is putting complete trust in God.  

Why not just say yes?
I listened to a sermon the other day where I was reminded that we have to act on our faith on a daily basis.  It is not something where we just say the word we believe and then walk away continuing life as we have always done.  It is something we commit to on a daily basis.  Constantly giving our faith the foundation it needs to be a stronger and better Christian. 

I am by no mean perfect at doing this myself.  I mean think about it.  We know we are to pray, study the bible, give tithes, eat better, and exercise right.  Well whether you need it or not how many of us do it daily.  How many of us look at the burger and say no, or get a salad or even fill the plate with more vegetables than meat.

I was just thinking why is it so hard to put down the junk food, the tobacco, or the alcohol.  If we truly believe that He is there that He will heal us that He will provide us with all that we need, why is so hard to give 10%?
by Tanisha 
We can’t use the excuse that it is hard because like I said earlier we give blind faith to things all the time.  So why can’t we give blind faith to God. 
What I mean by blind faith is that we trust without worrying.  Just think about it next time you are driving and stop at a stop sign.  There are flaws in everything man creates yet we believe, but there are no flaws in what God has created, and no flaws in His plans.

Did the constructors build your home to last through the storms like God builds your heart? 
Did they construct the amusement ride to hold for the entire ride for years to come, like God build your heart to withstand life heartache and sorrows?

These are topics that we briefly think of once in awhile but it should be something we ponder over every minute of every day.  
I am sure most if not all of you have heard the song Eye on the Sparrow, which brings to mind the verse from Matthew 6:26(KJV)

Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns: yet your heavenly Gather feedeth them.  Are ye not much better than they?
by ra_hurd

The song discusses how the bird flies, eats lives and breaths with out worry of what of how or when or what will happen to it and that if God will care for the sparrow are we not better, more important than that sparrow that God would do the same and more for us. 

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Gather.  But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fewer ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. (Matt. 10:29-31)

So as you drive to work, play with your children, cook dinner or just sit and read a book, remember where to place your faith.  Remember to thank God for the safety of the car, the safety of public transportation and if you are like me and struggle with daily decision as simple as eating to be a better vessel for God think of the that verse and remember that God loves you.  Remember that verse and just say yes to giving your all to God, giving complete faith to Him and His will.


Give Him my Heart

by leonor _arango@yahoo.com

I love, love, love the scripture in which Jesus tells his disciples to let the children come and learn.

But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 19:14)

I am able to witness first hand the reality of Gods word in the heart of a child.  They will make mistakes just like everyone else but a child’s heart is less tainted. However in today’s society a child can become easily influenced to do wrong before they are even two years old.

So I thank and praise God every time my children walk and dance around giving praise and worship to God.  I am thankful they have an understanding of who God is.

I use to worry that they may not truly understand the expectations required of them as children of God, but when my youngest told me that she likes wearing her pajamas with the heart on them because she wants and like to give her heart to God, all my doubts disappeared.   



Kindness is like a drug…

Who says that being kind is boring?  Have you ever seen, I mean just really seen the chain reaction from an act of kindness?  No?  Let me share an experience with you. 
Tuesday morning after the kids are all finished with schoolwork, we head out to handle errands. We started off doing the usual, dropping off recycle.  Well after the children helped me they watched another woman who was emptying her bags and so I asked of they wanted to help and with super excited smile, they responded with a yes and quickly walked over to offer there help which she excepted with a smile. 

Once the children were done helping her (this is where it starts) there hands were wet from the liquids from the soda cans (yeah that yucky feeling on the fingers, yeah I know gross right) and before we could even turn to look in our own car she was already heading towards us to offer us wipes for our hands.  It doesn’t matter the size of the act but just the fact that there is one.  The children immediately recognized that and went into an in-depth conversation of how she blessed us and how someone may be a blessing to her.  

We proceeded to the church, and a few other places we headed home.  It was trash day so when we returned home the children wanted to take all the neighbors trash cans back to their home (there is only three on our street) so they got out and walked them to each house.  When I pulled into the driveway the landlord was pulling in the neighbors yard behind us to pick up the tree and branches that were pulled up.  So yeah of course they were stoked about that.  They jumped out of the car and RAN to the tractor to help. 

Well actually they came to an immediate halt when they realized they didn’t know how to ask to help in German.  So I told them to go ahead and start picking some up and putting it in the carrier so he could see what they were trying to do. He gestured that yes they could help him.   They observed all the bugs and branches and mold and although they were grossed out they enjoyed every minute of it.  They finished up and came back to make sure I didn’t need help getting stuff out of the car.  They ended their day with a present on the doorstep from our neighbor, a batch of beautiful fresh flowers from our neighbor’s garden.  

Welcome to Revelations and Music

photography by Carlie Kerchaval

So here we go.  It is about time I revamped my blog right! I spent months thinking about what I was going to blog about... umm-okay maybe a year.  The point is I wanted to make sure it was something that I would enjoy doing continuously.  I ran into the issue of subject and after checking out a few other blogs I realized I am not required to stick to one topic Duhh!  YEAH!!!!

Welcome to Revelations and Music

Like many others I have many likes, gift and/or talent and I want to share most, if not all, with you.  With that said I decided that since I home school and I love singing I would write about my family and music.  The revelation of all of this is that I am blessed with both of these and this would not be a complete blog if I did not share Gods blessing, or my testimonies with you.  

As a mother I am quite busy but I am never too busy to do Gods will.   I home school three children, am a vocal coach, and a vocalist.  I have tried my hand at many other things but as I continue to keep my eyes on God I am always pointed back to those main venues.

I pray that my writings motivate, relieve or excite you about some of the things you may be experiencing yourself.  Remember that we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), but God is love and forgiving and always there to catch you, lift you up and redirect you.

Even the smallest things are blessing!

My hubby and I, have always believed that we are blessed and spiritually connected.  I know some of you may not believe in that stuff but when you can think of someone and they call you or feel a certain way and they know when and how to comfort you, it is hard to believe that God does not have his hand at that.  

The day started on a good note.  Two of the three children finished all their work and so we headed out around 12p.m to run errands.  Well... We got as far as finishing at the recycle center and then... 
One of the tires on our van started wobbling and shaking needless to say I pulled over only to realize, that was it for the car, for the day and it was only 1:30 p.m.   Now remember we are in Germany and we do not speak German.  

     So thanks to a great friend of mine who is German and speaks it fluently, (blessing 1); we were able to arrange the van to be taken to the car care center on the post.  

The ADAC personnel gladly dropped us off in front of the PX afterwards (blessing 2) and he did not have to do so because it was not part of his job and I had three children with me.  Bless that man! 

We proceeded to try and get the rental car but she was leaving as we were coming in, but (blessing 3) she came back to help us even though she was about to close for the rest of the day and with a smile and a beautiful personality serve me as if I was the first customer that morning!

Now by this time the children have had only water for snack, but (blessing 4) they lasted through all of that will smiles, happy attitudes, finding something exciting about every part of the journey (for example the ADAC tow truck was the coolest thing ever) which of course gave me even more patients and mental steadiness to deal with the situation.  I thought to take pictures through out the process but was to cloud minded to do so.  This was my first vehicle break down since we have been in Europe and it is very different compared to the states.  This was all over by 5:00 in the evening so 

I bought a little bit of Charlie’s for immediate eating and then cooked when I got home. 

Now through all of this I stayed calm and just knew God was there and when my husband came home that night and only knowing part of what happened that day took the time, after we said pray with the children tucked them in bed, to cook for me while I changed for the night.  I came downstairs to be greeted to a lovely vegetarian meal (blessing 5) candle light and a glass of wine. GOD IS SO VERY GOOD!